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So, what am I up to? Well, I have a lot of things on my plate right now, and I am trying to find a good balance between all of them. If you didn't already know this, I am a high school student, so you can already expect a few things I have on my plate, but things have changed a lot for me and the things on my schedule ever since I have made this brand: Speechless Vlogger. 😎

I know I have a few of the things on my website itself, talking about the activities I am actively participating in for my brand, but what I will share on this blog will be comparatively more personal, and might also give some more hints about who I actually am.

I am an IB student, still in the eleventh grade, so Extended Essays have time, for people who already know how IB works, skip the next paragraph.


In the eleventh grade, we are supposed to cover most of the SL syllabus (the not so hard subjects we get to choose), it is recommended to complete most of CAS now as well, TOK presentation, IA drafts, Written task drafts and IOCs (for English), and also Extended essay plans. But there is something extra for me, since I am planning to go to an American college, I need to give SAT 1 this year as well. Between all this, we need to practice questions at home, I have personal tutors teaching thrice a week, and many Maths worksheets. But this is only the academics, so this is the extra curricular (if you don't count CAS as one already), I am joining the MUN, I am learning to play the guitar, I am also maintaining my brand, for which I have already accumulated thousands of followers, and I need to post a photographic picture everyday, Blogs five times a week, and podcasts weekly, reading novels and also I want to win a position in the annual sports competition in school next year, so I also run a lot, like daily (of course I get lazy sometimes, so swimming or cycling is the next best thing).

I must say, I think I saw that cushion in IKEA...


Honestly, I didn't know I am doing all this till I got the concept if writing this blog, so I think the answer is just find your passion. I used to always disagree with this concept as this analogy would never work till you have History classes (all the Historians, I love you). But I think I found the answer, it is really simple for this generation. THE INTERNET. Your mobile is capable of a lot, so do a couple of things you like. I found mine because I was literally addicted to watching Youtube videos, then I got inspired by Mark Dohner and Casey Neistat, so I decided to start making videos and posting photographic photos. By the way, all of them are clicked on my phone, and I don't have an iPhone. So, what is your excuse, all the wannabe photographers.

Now coming to those who want to be something other than photographers. Whether you want to be a writer, a businessman, an athlete, a social media personality or manager of a company. Step 1 is to always create a new account where you just display your work or your art, if you think your friends will make fun of you, keep your profile anonymous, like I did. Getting an audience for your work, and getting to know what they think you should improve, you learning from other creators, or even displaying your qualities, literally anything, you should get an audience, and for that you have to be consistent, keep attention towards the trend, don't forget your purpose and voice and keep your eyes away from the statistics and more on the content, because that matters the most.

Step 2 has to be adapting to a major shift in your time allocation plans, and you shifting your break time for your passion, because this ways you are doing what you love in your break time, instead of binge watching Netflix.

At the end of all of it, what matters is that you are HAPPY, and that is what counts. Do what makes you happy, that does not mean to leave all the things that you hate, because academics and your weekly swimming classes are important, and they will be fun when you grow up, believe me...

So, I think that is it, and I will see you guys tomorrow with another new blog, with fresh new ideas and better content, as that is what I strive with every blog. Hey, by the way, this is my tenth blog, is there any improvement you guys see, let me know, and if you want to see my photos, check my insta page @speechlessvlogger. I think thats all, and remember to be happy, Peace ya all. ✌️

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