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My relations with GREEN TEA

Hey, if you don't like green tea, then you are me a few months ago... And if the first sentence does not make your ears go up then I don't know what will. So, for all of you tea lovers I got your back, and all the coffee lovers, I got your back too I think. 🤔

I drink green tea almost everyday in the morning and don't get me wrong, I drink coffee as well, at nights during my English essay. So, does this sound new to you, how can one be both tea and coffee lover. Well, I just love drinks in general and I think a combination of both in specific amounts should be the ideal move. Here is what goes in my mind when I think about the two very separate and unique drinks, but related in a few ways.

Add lemon to green tea, and you make yourself a healthy Lemon Tea 🍋


So, wipe your tears and I will tell you my personal experience with both tea and coffee.

TEA: this helps the body calm down and relax, no matter what ever is clouding your mind and your brain might have touched 150 degrees on the Celcius scale, the green tea will always assure you to cool down and relax. All these properties make the green tea a perfect drink for the morning people, an so drinking this, your brain gets calmed, and so the twitter feeds all of a sudden don't matter to you, and you get immune to all the memes. This is because your mind can think better without a cluster of thoughts. So, you wake up, brush (of course), and then go for a run or a cycle and then you come back home and prepare yourself some warm water with the tea leaves dipped in them (if you buy the tea bag one). Go for a quick shower, open your Mac sip your tea, and you are off to work. Oh ya, and for the avid music listeners, open the Spotify app, and listen to the instrumentals. Oh my god, this was exactly today morning for me. The good part is, even if you are distracted, but still you won't do it for long and you can easily bring back your attention.

Mac and Tea 🍵

Now for COFFEE: I am a high school kid, so other than weekends I am always out of the house until 3 in the afternoon, which means that I get to work all on myself by around 4 or maximum 4:30 pm. Therefore, that should be a good time to maybe drink another cup of green tea. But when you are working till 6 or 7, then go out for a jog or cycle, that is what I do, normally depending on my mood. After that drink another cup of green tea, if you have fallen in love with it, because it helps reduce weight, if that is a concern for you, I know it is for me (and yes I will come to the topic of coffee). But after so many cups of coffee, or even if you drank it only once the whole day, nights are not usually my time to drink tea, because if I get relaxed at nights, I will end up sleeping in matter of a few minutes. So, I would be needing a drink that energies me, and no don't have Red bull or energy drinks, because they are all sugary, if weight is a concern again, I know it is for me 😉, so coffee is 'the' move. Starbucks maybe your thing, or black coffee at home, I really don't know your taste, but coffee at that time will give you loads of energy and will surely keep you awake for another 2 hours, for sure. If you have to stay awake for longer than that, first of all, sleep is important, so do sleep, and secondly that is when your coffee mug gets refilled.

☕️ AND 🍵 FOR LIFE !!!

So, which drink you prefer is upon you, what you prefer more, energy or mental stability. Personally, I prefer both, and so I have found my equilibrium point, where these drinks help a lot in my productivity... If it were not for the two drinks, maybe I would not be writing this blog and I would be just thinking about the essay, I have already submitted, but I presume I wouldn't have otherwise.

So, I think that is it for this blog, I could keep writing ✍️, but I need to make myself a cup of tea (it is 10 am Sunday, I am writing this blog). So yeah, so I will see you tomorrow with another interesting topic, and till then Peace ya all. ✌️

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